Thursday, April 17, 2008

Dietary Shortcomings.

Rold Gold Pretzels and Diet Dr. Pepper.

This is what I eat, almost daily, at school. I did the math. Buying just one drink and just one snack from the vending machines at school, every day, I spend almost $60 a month. I've avoided doing the math until now for fear of the impending financial reality that would inevitably come with it. What's worse is that I usually buy TWO Diet Dr. Peppers and a bag of pretzels every day. I'm not calculating that. I need at least one vice during my 16 hour stints at school.

Therefore, I've decided to once again extend my culinary palette and go beyond the boundaries of a 3' x 6' glass case of glut. Starting May 14th-ish (Portfolio Review day), I'm dedicating my diet to those foods which are grown or raised locally and are organic. Ideally, I'll keep it up at least until August, when the Brandcenter vacuum sucks me back into the depths of advertising and $2.10 meals. Realistically, I'll last a week, but they say goal-setting is good.

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